4-bedroom apartments for daily rent in Tajikistan

Regular listings
4-комн. квартира, 2 этаж, 112 м², 19мкр 4
20 680 ₸
4-комн. квартира, 2 этаж, 80 м², Дусти 4
8 272 ₸
4-комн. квартира, 2 этаж, 112 м², 19мкр 4
20 680 ₸
4-комн. квартира, 2 этаж, 112 м², 19мкр 4
20 680 ₸
4-комн. квартира, 2 этаж, 112 м², 19мкр 4
20 680 ₸
4-комн. квартира, 2 этаж, 112 м², 19мкр 4
20 680 ₸
4-комн. дом, 1 этаж, 85 м²,дехаи Чорякарон 5
23 988 548 ₸
4-комн. дом, 1 этаж, 120 м², Профсоюз Dushanbe 7
2 photos more
10 340 ₸
4-комн. дом, 1 этаж, 100 м², Яккачинор Dushanbe 5
10 340 ₸
4-комн. дача, 2 этаж, Ромит 7
2 photos more
49 631 ₸
4-комн. дача, 2 этаж, 400 м², 9-й карьер
41 318 ₸
4-комн. дача, 2 этаж, Кайраккум 3
74 447 ₸

The category "Daily rental of 4-bedroom apartments in Tajikistan" includes advertisements offering temporary accommodation in spacious four-room apartments in Tajikistan. This category is usually intended for people who are looking for convenient and comfortable accommodation for a short period of time, such as a vacation, business trip or other temporary stays.

Key characteristics of this category may include:

  • Four-room apartments: Listings in this category provide information about apartments with four separate rooms, making them suitable for families, large groups of people or those who value space.
  • Daily rentals: Housing is offered for a short period of time, usually on a daily basis. This can be a convenient option for those who are not planning a long-term stay and are looking for flexible rental options.
  • Location: Ads contain information about the location of in Tajikistan apartments, which is an important parameter for potential tenants, especially if they are looking for a convenient location to major attractions, business centers or other facilities.
  • Amenity Descriptions and Photos: Listings will likely include detailed descriptions of the apartments, including amenities available to guests, as well as photos of the interior to give tenants an idea of the property being offered.
  • Rental prices and conditions: Advertisements may also indicate prices per day, booking conditions, possible discounts and requirements for a deposit or prepayment.

This category of advertisements provides potential tenants with the information needed to select a suitable four-room apartment for temporary residence in Tajikistan.

27 listings about the short-term rental of 4-bedroom apartments in Tajikistan. On Homeller.com you can inexpensively rent a 4-bedroom apartment for daily rent, choosing offers without intermediaries. Prices for rental apartments in Tajikistan. Advertisements from owners and verified agencies: search on the map, by area, price, area and other parameters.