Apartments in new buildings in Uzbekistan

Regular listings
Modera Towers Tashkent 8
3 photos more
39 523 829 ₸
Саламатина Tashkent 8
3 photos more
18 473 772 ₸
ZENIT Tashkent 8
3 photos more
8 417 151 ₸
Elysium Tashkent 8
3 photos more
10 822 051 ₸
Chashma Residence Tashkent 8
3 photos more
18 646 819 ₸

Sale of apartments in new buildings in Uzbekistan

The ad category "New Construction Apartments for Sale in Uzbekistan" provides information about properties available for purchase in in Uzbekistan buildings that are under construction or have recently been constructed. This category is for those looking for modern accommodation with a choice of different layouts and amenities.

Key characteristics of ads in this category may include the following:

  • Project description: A detailed description of the new building, including information about the developer, architectural features and general characteristics of the residential complex.
  • Apartment characteristics: Details about available types of apartments, areas, number of rooms, layouts and equipment (for example, the presence of a balcony, panoramic windows, etc.).
  • Infrastructure and Amenities: Description of nearby infrastructure such as schools, shops, public transport, parks and other facilities. Also, perhaps, information about the infrastructure inside the complex (parking, playgrounds, fitness centers, etc.).
  • Prices and terms of purchase: Indication of the cost of apartments, the availability of various payment options, mortgage options, deadlines for delivery of the property, as well as contact information of the developer’s representative or sales agent.
  • Photos and Plans: Visual materials such as photographs of apartments, images of buildings, floor plans and general views of the new building.

This listing category typically attracts both potential buyers and investors interested in purchasing property in a developing region.

5 listings about the sale of apartments in new buildings in Uzbekistan. On you can inexpensively buy a new apartment in a residential complex from the developer with or without finishing, in houses under construction or already commissioned in Uzbekistan. Advertisements with photos, footage, information about the residential complex. New buildings in Uzbekistan: search on the map, by completion date, price, area, area and other parameters.