Regular listings
Помещение под свободное назначение, 338м², деҳаи Навди
31 019 674 ₸
Мағозаи сохтмони дар шоҳроҳи Рашт Ҷергатол дар поёни деҳаи Навди дорои 4 сотиқ замин иборат аз...
Помещение под магазин / салон, 40м², Навди 4
2 688 372 ₸
Срочно.... Бинои дорухона
1 этажн. 5-комн. дом, 1000 соток, д.Воринг 2
9 099 104 ₸
Рашт Ҳоит дар маркази.Ясман.д.Воринг фундаменти анбору аловхонаш рост кардагиян фундаменти...
1 этажн. 4-комн. дом, 10 соток, кучаи ғарми боло 8
3 photos more
17 784 613 ₸
салом срочно срочно Хонаи фуруши Дар шахраки Fарм кучаи ғарми боло ҳамаи шароиташ муҳаё бо об...
2 этажн. 7-комн. дом, 8 соток, шахраки Гарм 8
3 photos more
35 155 630 ₸
8 комнат, подвал, частично с мебелью Нохияи Рашт шахраки Гарм кучаи махсуми.
1 этажн. 4-комн. дом, 19 соток, Ҳоит 8
3 photos more
14 475 848 ₸
4 дар хона меҳмонхонаи васеъ кухни замонави анборчогаи калон барои маълумоти муфассал занг занед
1-комн. квартира, 1 этаж, 50 м², Рашт
7 941 036 ₸
Хонаҳоифуруши дар н.Рашт Ошхона Ҳамом Ҳоҷатхона Ҳамаш дар дарунаш ! Дигар квадратам дорем !...

The classified ads is an online platform where users can post free advertisements for the sale, rental or purchase of real estate in a given region. This category of advertisements usually covers a wide range of real estate such as apartments, houses, land, commercial properties and other types of real estate.

Key features of the real estate notice board include:

  • Variety of properties: Users can find listings for sale or rent of different types of properties, depending on their needs and preferences.
  • Filtering and search: The platform provides tools for easy searching and filtering of listings by parameters such as price, number of rooms, area, property type and other characteristics.
  • Photos and Descriptions: Users can add photos and detailed descriptions of properties to listings to provide potential buyers or tenants with as much information as possible.
  • Contact information: Listings contain contact information for the seller or landlord, making communication between parties easier.
  • Relevance and Updates: The Platform may provide the ability to update listings to keep them current, as well as functionality to alert you to new listings.
  • Regional Specific: The message board is targeted to a specific region, in this case, making searches more relevant to local residents and interested parties.

The real estate notice board is becoming an effective tool for people looking for housing or investment opportunities in a given region, as well as for those who want to sell or rent their property.

Free classified ads - 7 listings about the sale, purchase and rental of real estate. On you can inexpensively buy or rent an apartment, private house, room, plot, office, or business premises. Choose offers from free private advertisements or realtors. Search on the map, by area, price, area and other parameters.