Dacha for rent in Issyk-Kul Region

Regular listings
Дача, 3-комн., 70 м2, Иссык-Кульская область, Чок-Тал, Центр отдыха 6/Пальм бич 8
3 photos more
44 726 ₸
Сдаю коттедж на Иссык-Кулье,с.Чоктал.центр отдыха Пальм Бич.

The ad category “Daily and long-term dacha, country house rental in Issyk-Kul Region” covers offers for renting out country houses or summer cottages in Issyk-Kul Region. This category may be of interest both to those who are looking for temporary housing for a weekend or short holiday, and to those who are looking for a permanent place to live outside the city.

Key characteristics of ads in this category may include the following:

  • Housing type: An indication of whether the rental property is a country house, a country house or a private cottage.
  • Rental period: Divided into two main categories - daily rental for short-term vacations and long-term rental for those who plan to permanently reside in the country house.
  • Amenities: Information about the availability of communications, furniture, household appliances, parking and other amenities.
  • Location: Clarification of the location of the dacha within the city, possibly indicating proximity to natural objects or transport infrastructure.
  • Price: Indication of the rental price and, possibly, payment terms (deposit, prepayment, etc.).
  • Contact information: To contact the landlord, usually indicate a telephone number or email.

This category provides potential tenants with a variety of options to choose from and allows landlords to effectively present their properties to the in Issyk-Kul Region rental market.

1 listing about renting a summer house, dacha in Issyk-Kul Region. On Homeller.com you can inexpensively rent a cottage for daily or long-term periods by choosing offers from the owners. Prices for renting dachas in Issyk-Kul Region. Advertisements from owners and verified agencies with photos, footage, information about the house. Search for a cottage on the map, by price, area, area and other parameters.