Apartments for rent in Atyrau Oblysy

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The advertisement category "Long-term apartment rental in Atyrau Oblysy" provides information on the possibility of long-term rental of residential premises in Atyrau Oblysy. This category usually contains advertisements from property owners, real estate agencies or intermediaries offering apartments for long-term rental.

Key features and details in such advertisements may include:

  • Location: The exact location of the apartment in Atyrau Oblysy is indicated, for example, area, proximity to public transport, shops, schools and other infrastructure facilities.
  • Apartment characteristics: Size of the premises, number of rooms, availability of furniture, household appliances, balcony and other features that may be important for potential tenants.
  • Rental conditions: Information about the cost of rent, additional payments (for example, utilities), requirements for tenants, deposit and terms of the contract.
  • Contact Information: Listings typically include contact information for the owner or reseller so that interested parties can contact for more information or to view a unit.

Such advertisements help tenants and property owners effectively find each other and enter into long-term rental agreements in Atyrau Oblysy.

0 listings about renting apartments in Atyrau Oblysy. On you can rent an apartment inexpensively for a long period of time by choosing offers without intermediaries. Prices for rental apartments in Atyrau Oblysy. Advertisements from owners and verified agencies with photos, footage, information about the house. Search for apartments on the map, by price, area, area and other parameters.